Saturday, September 03, 2005

The Final Push

I finally feel like I'm coming down the home stretch. I have 8 chapters to go, and while my heroes haven't completely figured out who the murderer is, the remainder of the novel is much more action-oriented. Instead of holding conversations and gathering clues, I've now reached the point where the heroes are simply caught up in the action that is carrying them towards a final confrontation with the killer of Gretta Platt.

Over the next few weeks I will be posting more here, simply becuase I have more to post about. Here are my current goals:
  • October 31 - First Draft complete
  • November 30 - Editing complete
  • Six to Twelve weeks later the book will become available, depending on how fast the 'system' works (working with to get ISBN, copyright, receiving and approving review copy, getting the books through Bowker to online stores like,, etc.).

More on Tuesday... thanks for stopping by!


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